Tagged: in english

Wait till the winter…

Ever since I came here people have been warning me about the winter, the darkness and the cold. Everyone has been repeatedly saying –“wait till the winter…”, “it’s not even cold yet”, “in December it just gets worse..” etc. And because of that I was really afraid of spending those...

Vaihtareiden lähtöfiiliksiä

Koulumme vaihto-oppilaat Luca, Karla, Chiara, Anthony ja Giulio ovat viettänneet Suomessa viidestä kymmeneen kuukautta. Nyt vaihtovuoden saapuessa päätökseensä he jakoivat Järjelle ajatuksiaan ja kokemuksiaan.

Italialainen+Suomi=matkalaukku Kiinassa?

Olen Olivia, 16-vuotias tyttö Järvenpään lukiosta. Minulla on pari ulkomaalaista kaveria, ja matkustamme paljon perheeni kanssa, mutta tuntemukseni muista kulttuureista on jäänyt melko pintapuoliseksi. Päätimme korjata ongelman viime kesänä ja täytimme hakulomakkeet vaihto-oppilaan isäntäperheeksi.

Feminism = gender equality?

During the last few years, in Latin America and the world, women have been raising their voice, demanding gender equality between the woman and the man. But what do we know about feminism?

Avanto and dancing in wanhat

It’s time for another article about the life of Liz, woohoo! This time I’m going to be talking about dancing in wanhat and going in an avanto.

Different size differences

Hello again! In this article I will be discussing the interactions I have had with Finnish people (how they react to my English) as well as some more cultural differences.

Karjalanpiirakka – The Best of Finland!

The food in Canada is a bit different than Finnish food but we still eat very similar dishes. As you all may know, Canada LOVES maple syrup! We actually have maple flavoured everything not even joking.

First feelings in Finland

Where do I even start? These past 2 months have gone by so fast in Finland and I have already made so many friends and memories.
